
Univeristy Police

Main Principal Chief Agent : Niță Leonard

Deputee Chief Agent: Călin Marian

of Constanța Municipality Police, Proximity Police department, workstation: Constanța Higher Education Institutions.


Mamaia Bulevard, Hostel C2, main floor

”Pescărie” area, Hostel FN2, 2nd floor



Emergency No – 112

Constanța municipality police- 0241/ 665 050



The Proximity Police officer is the officer that in his area of activity will grow the close contact with the population, comercial agents and institutions. The proximity police officer will firstly act preventively, he initiates orientation projects thowards safety this way promoting the confidence of population in the police activity.


1. The history of Proximity Police:

The concept of Proximity Police comes from USA, Canada and other anglo-saxon countriesand is in esence a global social fight attempt against criminalityand its prevention at a local level.

40 years ago, the police organisation was beginning to benefit of technological evolution (cars, phones, radios). This evolution led to the reduce of contact and a dinstance between Police and citizens. Many people felt abandoned to day to day dangers, and this way the it had been required a more visible display of the Police in the streets. In the big cities of Europe, starting with the 70’, the Proximity Police was founded as a reaction to this request.

The closer contacts between policemen and citizens created more trust, improved the feeling of safety and led to a better colaboration, having in turn as a consequence the efficiency of police work.

2. The objectives of Police and the society expectantions

Police objectives

Society expectations

To prevent criminaly and its dangers in order for the unsafety feeling of citizens to disapear

To know what the police is doing

To take all measures possible to decrease criminality and to reduce risk

To see a partner in the Police

To teach population to corectly evaluate criminality and defeat fear

That police should know and take into consideration the immediate needs of citizens

To reduce fear shown by population by encouraging a preventional behaviour and action

That police should be present as a preventively

Eliminating the structures and factors that favour criminality and risk situations

That police should realize that safety is not reflected by criminality statistics.

Promoting the colaborations between police and population. Encouraging citizens to inform responsably the police, when a criminal action is known about or any other dagers

That police should contribute in solving citizen safety issues

3. The connexion with “Ovidius” members

The Proximity police officer sets and mentains the connexions between police and population within it’s activity field.

  • He sets a connexion with students and university staff.
  • Informes and advises the “Ovidius” Communitee

4. Police recommandations for population

Theft of and from vehicles can be prevented by:


  • Park in lighted places, in the field of action of security agents or in a garage;
  • If you park in a public place (pay-parking), don’t tell anyone that you will be late;
  • Always park close to home or close to the store if you are going shopping;
  • Always park your car facing the street, that way if anyone will try to attempt to it, that person will be easily seen;
  • Reasure your unattended bikes or scooters by binding them in the special supports, pillars, trees, etc;
  • Completely close all windows. One widowd left slightly openned may compromise all safety measures taken;
  • Don’t leave in sight any type of valuables like: radio, videos camers, auto CD players, cell phones, bags, purses, fannypacks, clothing, etc. All this thing will tempt thiefs to brake your vehicle;
  • Evoid to keep in the vehicle your ID, firm ID, driver’s license, car ID, credit cards, payment orders, etc;
  • Do not attach to your car keys a plate with your name. this could drive the thief directly to your car or home in case of the los of your keys.
  • Do not leave your key in the ignition;
  • Ensure your vehicle even if you’re missing for a couple of minutes;
  • Do not give your vehicle to other persons to drive it;
  • Use non typical locks for doors and special crew nuts for wheels;
  • Use a blocking sistems for the steering wheel and for the pedals or a general electricla swich mounted in a hidden place.

Theft from the Hostel room may be avoided by:

  • Mainly do not give inofrmation to your neighbors , aquaintances, relatives or colleagues regarding your schedule of class attendance, work, holidays, or other circumstances;
  • When leaving the room, indifferent of the period, all access points shall be closed.
  • In the air vents or any other easy to break-in points, it is necessary to install metal grids whin the installments points indoors in order not to be pulled out.
  • Keep your key always with your, do not hide it in accesible places to anyone.
  • Do not keep large ammounts of money in your room, uninsured and also do not leave the impresion that your are possesing large ammounts of money; the same recommandation is valid for jewelry;
  • Do not allow stragers into your room;