




For the doctoral cycle, the admission to the 2021/2022 academic year is based  on a competition in accredited or provisionally authorised doctoral schools, in the fields of doctoral studies approved within them, for free and fee-paying places.

"Ovidius" University of Constanta charges an application fee for the entrance exam, tuition fees for fee-paying places in the amounts approved by the university management.

The children of active teaching staff are exempt from paying the registration fee for the doctoral admission competition.

Only graduates with a Master’s degree or its equivalent are entitled to take part in the competition for admission to doctoral studies. Graduates from long-term higher education studies prior to the application of the three Bologna cycles have the equivalent of a master’s degree.

Doctoral degree programmes are organised in the form of teaching:

full-time frequency

with reduced frequency.



Romanian citizens can apply for admission to the doctoral cycle of university studies on places without fee and with fee in lei.

Ethnic Romanian citizens from the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Ukraine, the Republic of Hungary, as well as from the Diaspora may apply for admission to the doctoral cycle of university studies, according to art. 224 of LEN no. 1/2011 and the provisions of the Admission Methodology, approved by MEN Order, for free and fee-paying places.

Nationals of EU Member States, EEA and EC Member States may participate in the admission for doctoral studies under the same conditions as those provided by law for Romanian citizens, including tuition fees.

 Foreign nationals from EU, EEA and EC third countries, non-EU citizens, graduates of Master’s degree courses or graduates with a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent of a long term university studies (4, 5, 6 years) can apply for admission to the doctoral degree course. The recognition of their studies carried out outside Romania is carried out by the MEN’s Specialised Directorate.


Application file


The application file for Romanian citizens applying for the entrance exam will contain the following documents in an envelope folder:

  • Standard application form
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • List of the candidate’s scientific work, if applicable;
  • Birth certificate, in copy, with certification of conformity with the original [1]by the secretary of the admission committee;
  • Identity card, photocopy;
  • Marriage certificate, if any, with change of name, in copy, with certification of conformity with the original by the secretary of the admission committee;
  • Bachelor’s degree and Diploma Supplement/Matric Sheet, in copy. For graduates of undergraduate studies in the current academic year, the original of the graduation certificate with school record is required;
  • Master’s degree and Diploma Supplement/Matric Sheet in copy. For Master’s degree graduates of the current academic year, the original of the original of the transcript of studies with academic record is required;
  • Certificate of linguistic competence in an international language (English, French, German, Spanish), issued by the Faculty of Letters of the UOC or another state university in Romania, at least two years before the entrance exam, minimum level B2. Exceptions are candidates who have either graduated from a bachelor or master programme taught in one of the languages mentioned above, or who hold international language proficiency certificates recognised by the Ministry of Education and Research and valid for a minimum level B2 (see list below). Diplomas or certificates must be certified as being in conformity with the original by the secretary of the admissions committee or be presented in certified/legalised translation;
  • Baccalaureate diploma in xerox copy;
  • proof of payment of the registration fee (by money order, to the account of "Ovidius" University of Constanta. The payment order must indicate the name of the candidate as well as the words "Registration fee, Ovidius University, PhD field.... The receipt/payment order must be attached to the application form, which is submitted to the ISD secretariat.
  • You must submit with your application, together with copies of the original of your educational documents, your civil status documents and the other documents specified in paragraph 1, the original of your application form. 1, so that the secretary of the admissions committee can certify that they tally with the original. This certification will be based solely on the presentation of the original document by the candidate and not on the certified copy. No education documents or civil status documents whose original is damaged (torn, cut out, illegible) or which have been visibly altered by lamination or in any other way likely to cast doubt on the originality of the document to be certified will be accepted.
  • For the special Roma places, candidates must add the following documents to their application:
  • Affidavit of Roma ethnicity.
  • Document issued by a legally constituted Roma organisation (regardless of the organisation's field of activity), signed and stamped, in original, certifying that the candidate belongs to this ethnic group. The document must state that the applicant is a member of the Roma ethnic group and not that he/she is a member of the organisation concerned.
  • a copy of the court decision attesting to the legal establishment of the organisation concerned


The admission competition

Timetable for the 2021 admission competition


The admission competition for PhD studies at IOSUD UOC is held every year, usually in September, according to the approved calendar, and consists of the evaluation of the candidate's scientific concerns, research skills for the proposed research topic and an interview test. The admission competition can also be conducted online.


Candidates who have obtained the minimum admission average set by the Doctoral School will be declared admitted within the limit of the number of places available for each doctoral supervisor, in descending order of admission average.

If candidates with equal average scores cannot all be admitted to the existing places, the selection criteria announced three months before the competition will be applied.

The results of the admission competition are published by posting at the ISD headquarters and on the UOC website.


The person admitted and registered for doctoral studies has the status of doctoral student for the duration of the studies.

Admitted candidates who do not present themselves within the period set for the signing of the doctoral studies contract lose their place, which is taken by the next candidate ranked strictly in descending order of admission average.



The person enrolled in a doctoral programme is a doctoral student for the entire duration of the doctoral studies, except for any interruption periods granted, according to the provisions of the Institutional Regulations for the organisation of doctoral studies.

The doctoral studies are carried out on the basis of a Doctoral Studies Contract concluded, through the Institute of Doctoral Studies, between the doctoral student, his/her supervisor and Ovidius University Constanta, which establishes the rights and obligations of the doctoral student, the supervisor and, through the doctoral school, Ovidius University.

The status of doctoral student and doctoral supervisor is exercised within a single doctoral school of the UOC.



Language proficiency certificates recognised by the UOC (minimum level required: B2)



First Certificate in English (FCE)

Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

Cambridge English: Vantage (BEC Vantage)

Cambridge English: Higher (BEC Higher)

International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS): minimum Band 6.0

Business Language Testing Service (BULATS): minimum 60

TOEFL: minimum 87



Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) - level B2

Diplôme d’études en langue française "option professionnelle" (DELF Pro) - level B2

Diplôme approfondi de langue française (DALF) - level C1

Diplôme de français professionnel (DFP): DFP Affaires, Juridique, Relations Internationales - level B2

Test d’Évaluation de Français pour l’accès au Québec (TEFAQ)

Test d’Évaluation de Français - Canada (TEF Canada) - level 6-7



Goethe-Zertifikat B2

Deutsches Sprachdiplom KMK - level II (level B2/C1)

DaF test (level B2/C1)

Goethe-Zertifikat C1

Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom

The previous version of the above mentioned certificates will also be equivalent, namely:

Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung/ZOP (B2/C1)



Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language :

Spanish Diploma Level B2 (Intermediate)

Spanish Diploma Level C1.

Spanish Diploma Level C2 (Superior)